Monday, September 10, 2007

Have You Believed Another Gospel?

Woah! With this one, the Fellowship Tract League makes the leap from annoying and insensitive into full-blown offensiveness. In this tract, they firmly state that their beliefs are the only Truth, and all other religions are nothing but lies.

Pictured on the cover is a man looking at a signpost that has signs pointing to many other religions. Those signs include Buddhism, Islam, Humanism and Hinduism, and even two Christian faiths (Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses). Curiously, there is no sign for Judaism. This tract is arrogant and insulting, but at least it isn't anti-semitic.

Inside, this is another quote tract, but with a difference. Instead of providing quotes to answer the usual questions like 'how can you be Saved?', this tract's quotes back up phrases like 'Another Gospel Deceives Your Mind' and 'Another Gospel Damns Your Soul'. The author provides his own commentary, saying "To teach any other way of salvation is to deny God's word." If that weren't bad enough, he also says, "The only message of real value is that salvation comes by faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ."

Hear that, Muslims and Buddhists and Hindus? Your message, according to this tract, has no 'real value'! Can you believe this stuff? It doesn't commit the sin of being boring - I keep wondering what offensive stuff this thing'll say next.

Unfortunately, this is one of the milder tracts I've read. Certain other ones take this idea much further. It's almost laughable that the author of this tract thought he could convince anyone to swap faiths based on this little ditty. Almost. For its arrogance and bigotry, this tract has a bright future as a toilet paper substitute.

Likely to Convert - 0
Artwork - 1
Ability to Hold Interest - 5
Unintentional Hilarity - 1
Level of Disturbing or Offensive Content - 5


Unknown said...

Thats right Tim, Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus are damned to hell without the Lord Jesus Christ. You're trying to look at things on a secular level of understanding instead of looking at what the Bible clearly teaches (John 14:6, Acts 4:12, and so-forth). That's why the religious leaders in Jesus' day were so upset with Him. He declared Himself to be the only way to heaven. Every apostle (with the exception of John) died a martyrs death. They clearly wouldn't have died if they thought that Jesus was a fraud and phony. Nobody would suffer as they did all their lives and die for something they knew to be a lie. The Bible can be proved with 100% accuracy prophetically, historically, and scientifically. You should sincerely check out the claims of the Bible for yourself. Have you ever read it with an open heart diligently seeking for the truth? I pray that you will sincerely seek instead of going along down the broad road that leads to destruction (Matthew 7: 13-14) with the rest of the culture.

Timothy Carter said...

Wow. A genuinely nutty comment! And, according to the date it was posted, just in time for my birthday! Thanks, srh4, you made my day.

I don't suppose it's worth pointing out that, in your comment, you went and did what so many of these tracts do? Namely, make grandiose claims based on Bible quotes, but without a single provable fact to back them up.

Hey! You could probably write these things! You clearly have all the qualifications. Off you go, srh4christ! Put that bigoted crazy of yours to... well, not good use, but the next best thing. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

No need to thank me. Just doing what I do.